1. As you get older, you may become long-sighted or shortsighted. 随着年龄的增长,你可能变得远视或近视。
2. She's long-sighted and needs glasses to read. 她是远视眼,看书要戴眼镜。
3. Dr Susan Blakeney, optometric adviser at The College of Optometrists, said children were normally born long-sighted. 在视光师学院担任验光配镜顾问的苏珊。布莱克尼博士说,通常孩子一出生就是远视的。
4. As they grow they become less long-sighted so that by the time children stop growing their eyesight should be perfect. 随着他们不断成长,他们变得不那么远视了,这样当儿童到了停止生长的阶段时,他们的视力应该是完美的。
5. If a child is not born long-sighted enough then they will overshoot and end up short-sighted. This tends to happen around puberty. 如果孩子天生的远视程度不够,那么,他们将过度用眼并且最终患上近视,而这往往发生在青春期左右。