1. "Cayman takes advantage of a legitimate loophole—and the financial system is none the weaker for it," says one regulator in Europe. “开曼群岛利用了法律的漏洞——金融制度也没有变得更弱。”欧洲一监管者说道。
2. It is estimated that 60,000 businesses are exploiting a loophole in the law to avoid prosecution. 据估计6万家公司在钻法律的空子来逃避起诉。
3. If you're not a big fan of bitter, chemists have just the loophole for you. 如果你不喜欢苦味,药剂师则正好可以给你钻个空子。
4. Technically. There is a loophole. 但从严格意义上讲,这里存在着一个漏洞。
5. To fix this loophole, you'll create a custom validator. 为了修复这个漏洞,您可以创建一个定制的验证器。