1. I animate the work with the application of China paints and lustres, often firing up to ten times. 我运用中国的颜料使我的作品生气勃勃,栩栩如生。
2. Emerson believed books should be read, not for the information they contained, but for inspiration, or what he called "lustres." 爱默生认为应当读书,但不是为了书中的信息,而是为了得到启发,或是被他称为“光辉”。
3. Introducing clients to the possibilities of lustres, textures and sparkles as way to elevate their brand or image, often results in the shop equally being elevated from the competition, "she reports." 要把产品具有光泽度,纹理和闪光性能介绍给客户,这个作为一种提升品牌和图像的方式,同样也是会提升店铺在行业的竞争力。