1. She turned luxuriantly on her side, yawning. 她打着呵欠,舒适地转身侧向一边。
2. Crops are growing luxuriantly. 庄稼长势旺盛。
3. These luxuriantly packaged mooncakes are selling well both in supermarkets and hotels around the country. 这种豪华包装的月饼在国内的各大超市和酒店十分走俏。
4. Only having deep "roots", will leaves grow luxuriantly. Only having good "roots", will fruits grow abundantly. 只有“根”深才能叶茂,只有“根”好才能结出丰盛的果实。
5. Baths wrapped luxuriantly in black leather have also proved popular, as have those made entirely from black resin. 事实证明,浴缸包上豪华黑色皮革后,也很受欢迎,全黑色树脂制作的浴缸也很好卖。