1. While modernity makes greater progress, it also brings with it a lot of malaises. 现代性取得了巨大成就的同时,也带了诸多的隐忧。
2. Although scenery behind career and family each have malaises, but optimistic she face actively, full of positive energy. 虽然风光背后事业和家庭各有隐忧,但乐观的她积极面对,充满正能量。
3. I am tempted to chalk this all up to what I see, globally, as three endemic human malaises: (a) imaginative poverty, (b) lack of intellectual curiosity, and (c) anomie. 我很想就我所看到的一切归纳一下,在全球范围内,人类有三个通病:(1)想象力的匮乏;(2)缺乏好奇心;(3)失范(反常)。