1. So, as a result, many of the displaced are already suffering from malnourishment and related medical conditions. 其结果是,许多流离失所者已经患有营养不良和相关病症。
2. There is famine in many countries, and people are dying of malnourishment, of starvation, and of related diseases. 许多国家都在闹饥荒,那里的人民因为营养不良、饥饿以及由此引发的疾病而纷纷死去。
3. Tony Banbury, the WFP's regional director for Asia, just finished a weeklong tour of North Korea, where he says malnourishment is widespread. 世界粮食计划署东亚地区负责人托尼。班伯里刚刚结束了的一周之行。他说,他在那里看到营养不良的现象普遍存在。
4. Many of the new arrivals are still suffering from malnutrition and malnourishment after enduring often long and arduous journeys from famine-stricken Somalia. 从饥荒蔓延的索马里历经漫长的艰苦跋涉之后,有许多新生儿仍然忍受着营养失调及营养不良之苦。
5. Kiburente says malnourishment in the conflict-ridden northern part of the country is high, but unlike the south the north has aid agencies in place to help care for the children. Kiburente 说,营养不良在饱受战争折磨的背部地区普遍存在,但和南部不同,北部有适当的救援机构去帮助那些孩子。