1. Bezanik is diving to collect marine organisms. 贝赞尼克正在潜水采集海洋生物。
2. Marine mammals generally swim with the current. 海洋哺乳动物一般顺水而游。
3. Marine life was discovered at depths previously thought to be azoic. 在先前被认为没有任何生命迹象的海洋深处发现了海洋生物。
4. Marine insurance is governed by a strict series of rules and regulations. 海上保险受一系列严格的规章条例所制约。
5. Marine construction technology like this is very complex, somewhat analogous to trying to build a bridge under water. 像这样的海洋建筑技术非常复杂,有些类似于尝试在水下建筑一座桥。