1. We gazed up at the cloudless blue sky, marvelling in … 望蓝天,万里无云,恢宏的美景让我们感慨万千。
2. We eventually pick two meals, marvelling at the cheapness. 最后我们点了两个菜,对价钱的便宜甚感惊讶。
3. You were as excited children marvelling at your abilities, and playing games with each other. 你们就好像兴奋的孩子一样惊讶于你们的能力,并且和彼此一起玩游戏。
4. After hearing In Pine Effect over and over, I was still marvelling at Michael Paradinas (aka u-Ziq, pronounced 'music'). 在听过一遍又一遍的《松树效应》后,我仍然惊叹于迈克·帕拉迪纳斯(又名u-ziq 发音像音乐一词“music”)。
5. Together, let us create a symphony of hearts, marvelling at the miracle of our children and basking in the beauty of love. 让我们一起创作一首心灵的交响曲,创造一个让我们的孩子们沐浴在爱里的奇迹。