1. Or are his demands deliberately maximalist so that they cannot be met and the treaty remains unratified? 或者,他是故意夸大要求让它们无法实现,从而使条约依旧悬而不决?
2. I think that Obama made a choice that he was going to go further down the taxation and more maximalist route early on. 奥巴马选择进一步降低税收,并得到多数派成员的早期支持。
3. Suddenly, it seemed as if every brand was proposing clothing that shouted even more loudly than anything my maximalist sisters and I would consider wearing. 一时间,似乎每个品牌推出的服装都在高声呐喊,分贝甚至超过了我和同样喜欢繁复服饰的姐妹们所能接受的范围。
4. By contrast, the rebels insist on maximalist aims while consistently retreating to a north-eastern rump where they are vulnerable to the colonel's predations. 相反,反抗组织坚持最高原则,不断撤退到东北部的一个残存据点,而那里容易遭受卡扎菲上校的蚕食。