1. The play was the first in a long line of popular melodramas with piratical themes. 在比赛中的第一个长长的流行情节剧的海盗主题。
2. Sometimes the stories it tells are run-of-the-mill melodramas that could have happened anywhere. 有时,该节目也会播出一些俗套的、类似情节剧的故事。 这些故事要是换了别处,也照样会发生。
3. The initial pattern of posters is the public art, which helps to promote operas, melodramas and so forth. 海报的最初形态就是为歌剧、话剧、舞蹈等表演剧目进行推广宣传的公共艺术。
4. The original melodramas were Italian operas and the melo in melodrama is the same prefix you hear in melody. Melodrama的原义指意大利歌剧,单词中的melo与melody(旋律)的前缀相同,而另一部分drama,则可追溯到一个意为情节的希腊语上。
5. Whether it be in melodramas, comedies or kungfu movies, the popularity of women lead roles was unprecedented. 无论是在剧情片、喜剧片还是功夫片中,女影星主演的角色都前所未有地受欢迎。