1. Perhaps even more so than with letters, memorandum should start with the statement of the purpose early in the message. 也许备忘录比书信更重要的是,备忘录应该从信息的目的开始。
2. When the internal message is lighthearted and relatively unimportant, humor in a memorandum can distinguish its author as a person with personality and depth. 当内部信息是轻松的、相对不重要的时候,备忘录中的幽默可以展现作者的个性和深度。
3. One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police. 透露给报界的文件中有一份是秘密警察局长写的备忘录。
4. The King exclaimed, turning to the jury, who instantly made a memorandum of the fact. 国王大叫道,转过身看着陪审员,陪审员立即作了记录。
5. The following appeared in a memorandum written by the vice president of Health Naturally, a small but expanding chain of stores selling health food and other health-related products. Health Naturally 公司是一家销售健康食品和其他健康相关产品的连锁店,规模虽小,但正在不断扩大。