1. The MIFF phenomenon is not entirely new. MIFF现象并不是完全是一个新的现象。
2. The Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) is an acclaimed annual film festival held over three weeks in Melbourne, Australia. 墨尔本国际电影节是很受欢迎的年度电影节,在澳大利亚的墨尔本举行,为期三周。
3. The MIFF phenomenon is not entirely new. Papua new Guinea and Equatorial guinea-both undeveloped places with big extractive industries-are longstanding examples. 如今的MIFF现象并非是完全新鲜的事物,巴布亚新几内亚和赤道几内亚这两个拥有大规模采掘工业的国家便一直是两个例子。