1. A difficult problem about minuteness mud was faced in the course of practice. 在工艺实践过程中,遇到了微细矿泥难处理的问题。
2. A new method of measuring minuteness quality by using CCD sensor is introduced. 介绍一种利用CCD传感器对物体微小质量测量的新方法。
3. I bring back my heroine to her home in solitude and disgrace; and no sweet elation of spirits can lead me into minuteness. 我让我的女主角孤孤单单、面目无光地回到家乡,因此我也提不起精神来详细叙述了。
4. This article introduces detailed a sort of test measure of measure minuteness indentation depth, the electrical measurement. 详细地介绍了一种用于测量微小压痕深度的测量方法——电阻法。
5. Through this mastery, minuteness and the other siddhis (or powers) are attained, likewise bodily perfection and freedom from all hindrances. 通过掌握以上要素,微秘和神奇的超能力则可获得,同样身体得以完善而免除所有的阻碍。