1. Something about a mix-up on arrangements to get to the airport. 一些在去机场的安排方面的混乱。
2. There has been a mix-up over the dates. 日期完全搅乱了。
3. Please accept our apologies for this mix-up. 请接受我们的道歉。
4. The dog owner's beloved 10-year-old dog named Buddy took an unexpected 16-hour flight to Tokyo following a mix-up by the airline. 由于航空公司的失误,宠物狗主人这条10岁的名叫巴迪的爱犬出人意料地乘坐了16个小时的飞机去了东京。
5. How do you deal with a reservation mix-up? 你们如何处理订房出现的差错?