1. The success of AGE, reckons Harry Patrinos, a World Bank economist, comes from mobilising parents. 世界银行的经济学家哈利•帕特纳斯认为,AGE计划的成功来自动员家长。
2. The two categories of flag day, their ability in mobilising volunteers and the respective benefits of the two. 提供的卖旗日数目、机构动员义工的能力及两类卖旗日各自的优点。
3. A wonderful example of that has been the mobilising of taxi driver in Changning to display HIV&AIDS posters in their cabs and acting as constant mobile billboards. 其中一个很好的示例就是昌宁的出租车司机经过动员,开始在其驾驶的出租汽车上展示艾滋病海报并成为一个随时移动的广告牌。
4. Ecological discourse' can thus be seen as the most productive cultural form for generating and mobilising ideological consensus and dissentious in modern societies. 生态学讨论可被视为最有效的文化形式,它产生和推动现代社会的思想共识和争论。
5. Ordinarily, democracies seek public support for the policies they pursue and have various ways of mobilising that support, of which elections are the most important. 一般情况下,--将会为他们追寻的政策寻找公众的支持,也会用各种方法来--支持,所以--是最重要的。