1. The most successful monarchies strive to abandon or hide their old aristocratic ways. 最成功的君主国努力摒弃或隐藏他们旧式贵族作风。
2. There are several constitutional monarchies in Europe. 欧洲有若干个君主立宪国。
3. Freedom was threatened in early modern times by the emergence of monarchies that might have been able to crush it. 在近代早期,君主制度的出现威胁自由,并有可能摧毁它。
4. While Europe's monarchies will no doubt be smart enough to survive for some time to come, it is the British royals who have most to fear from the Spanish example. 尽管欧洲的君主们的智慧无疑会让他们足以在未来一段时间内生存下来,但对于英国王室来说,他们最担心的就是重蹈西班牙的覆辙。
5. There are three types of succession in monarchies. 君主国将会有三种类型的继承人。