1. Diligence is a money-spinner, thrifty is the cornucopia. 勤是摇钱树,俭是聚宝盆。
2. Digital content has already proved itself to be a money-spinner for Amazon. 事实证明,数字内容是亚马逊的摇钱树。
3. Any event that can attract the attention of billions of people would seem sure to be a big money-spinner. 每一个可以引起数以亿计人注意的事件都可以看作是个赚大钱的机会。
4. Labelled "the fastest-growing company ever" by ardent fans, the firm has turned a simple concept into a money-spinner. 其热情的粉丝将其誉为史上成长最快的公司,而这家公司也确实将简单的概念转变成了印钞机。
5. Since the early 1990s, when stadiums were upgraded and lucrative broadcasting deals agreed upon, the league has become a money-spinner. 上世界90年代初以来,随着体育场的扩建,以及一系列利润丰厚的电视转播交易的达成,英超联赛成了一架印钞机。