1. More to the point, all your money-spinning ideas come from your thoughts. 更重要的一点是,所有的钱你纺意念来自你的想法。
2. There is less leverage to supercharge returns. Some previously money-spinning activities are shadows of their former selves. 寻求过度回报的杠杆也降低了,一些先前以金钱交易为中心的商业活动也成了他们以前自我的一个屏障。
3. It is, after all, quite an efficient way to find sufferers who might be interested in launching a money-spinning compensation lawsuit. 但这个毕竟是搜寻那些患者的一个相当有效的办法,他们也许会有兴趣提起诉讼来得到高额赔偿。
4. He wouldn't be at all surprised if in a year or two such an opinion-harvester were bundled with a program-trading system to create a money-spinning killer app. 如果一两年内,这种意见采集软件与自动交易系统结合,形成一个杀手级应用摇钱树,本记者不会感到吃惊。
5. This may well be simply a function of the net crossing into the mainstream, which actually marks the dawn of the Internet turning into a money-spinning old-style industry. 这可能仅仅是因为他们成为主流,预示着Internet不久就会变成可大把赚钱的老式的产业。