1. Britain is home to 75% of the world's heather moorlands. 英国拥有世界上75%的石楠花荒野。
2. Land of green mountains, rocky islands, rugged moorlands (1) , and stunning cities, Scotland proudly invites visitors to explore its 8, 000 year-old culture. 群山绿意葱茏,诸岛乱石嶙峋,野地崎岖多趣,城市令人赞叹,这些都足以让苏格兰引以为豪,它籍此诚邀您来探访它那绵延8千年之久的悠久文化。
3. The moorlands of the north and of Scotland are rich in grouse and partridge. And to go shooting on the moors is perhaps the most distinctive of upper-class activities. 英国北部和苏格兰的沼泽地区有很多山鸡和山鹑,在沼泽地里打鸟也许是最典型的上流运动。