1. To cause to feel chagrin ; mortify or discomfit. 使懊恼,使受屈辱,使窘迫。
2. Is it not this: to humiliate oneself in order to mortify one's pride? 这个是不是:用羞辱自己的尊严来抑制自己的高傲?
3. You would not wish to disappoint and mortify the Coles, I am sure, sir; 我敢说,先生,你是不想叫科尔夫妇扫兴、丢面子的。
4. It seemed to be utterlv without purpose in my life, except to mortify me when I became aroused during bed baths. 除了在浴缸里性唤起的时候禁欲,我的生活似乎全然没有目的。
5. The transition metal elements with various oxidation states could be introduced into the catalysts and mortify the performance of catalysts. 而过渡金属元素固溶进入催化剂可以极大的改变催化剂表面和体相的性质。