1. Most of the time people chew their food slowly, as my mother taught me so many years ago. 大多数时候人们慢慢地咀嚼食物,就像许多年前我妈妈教我的那样。
2. Other professionals are emphasizing precautionary actions of the gun owners and most of the time a ban on guns isn't mentioned. 其他专业人士则强调枪支拥有者的预防措施,而大多数时候枪支禁令都没有被提及。
3. Thomas Mann's difficult The Magic Mountain took me about six months to read; Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged made me very bored most of the time. 我花了大约六个月时间去读托马斯·曼的《魔山》,大多数时候安·兰德的《阿特拉斯耸耸肩》都让我感到非常无聊。
4. "Sometimes it goes wrong, but most of the time it doesn't," says Swanson, who recommends starting to ask children permission to post narratives or photos around ages 6 to 8. 斯旺森说:“有时这会出错,但大多数时候不会。”他建议,在孩子们6到8岁的时候,家长们应开始在发故事、照片之前征求孩子的意见。
5. Most of the time, these socks couldn't match their clothes. 在大多数情况下,这些袜子无法搭配他们的衣服。