1. He was a disturbed child who needed mothering. 他是个心理失常的孩子,需要悉心照顾。
2. Colleen had dreamed of mothering a large family. 科琳曾经梦想过要养育一大群孩子。
3. Schizophrenia was thought to be due to poor mothering. 精神分裂症被认为是由照顾不周造成的。
4. In this case, the Mothering Justice activist happened to be married. 在该案例中,这位“正义之母”活动人士恰巧是已婚人士。
5. "Poverty has been interchangeable with people of color specifically black women and black mothers," says Atkinson of Mothering Justice. 母性正义组织的阿特金森说:“有色人种几乎可以和贫困人群划等号,更确切地说是黑人妇女和黑人母亲是贫困的代名词。”