1. "What a funny, bashful mountaineer!" Mr. Sesemann remarked to himself, thinking that the appearance of a stranger had upset this simple son of the Alps. “真是个有趣害羞的山地人。”赛赛曼先生自言自语地说,他想,一个陌生人的出现,竟然把这个高山牧场单纯的孩子吓成这个样子。
2. He is a clever mountaineer. 他是一个灵巧的登山队员。
3. A mountaineer must learn to stand the gaff. 一个登山运动员必须学会吃苦。
4. The mountaineer has been under perfect discipline. 那登山队员受过良好的训练。
5. The old mountaineer also wanted custody of the children. 老山民也想照顾孩子。