1. You're so mouthwatering. - Please, don't! 你让我谗涎欲滴了-求求你不要!
2. So the next time you see a robin "head-cocking" you can be fairly sure it's listening and looking for those mouthwatering treats! 所以下次你看见更知鸟“头式击发”时,你可以相当确信它们在听和查看那垂涎欲滴的美宴。
3. Very seductive floral, lime, mineral aromas and flavours. It's elegant and beautifully proportioned, with a long mouthwatering finish. 婀娜的花香,莱姆,矿物的芬芳,独具魅力。高雅的酒体,完美均衡,回味无穷。
4. The grilled lamb fillet was also mouthwatering, presented in thinly cut strips of tender lamb, surrounded by flavorful mashed potatoes on a bed of sauteed Onions, zucchinis and peppers. 法式香煎羊柳让人口齿生津,细细的嫩羊肉,被美味的土豆泥包围,盘底铺上了一层油炸洋葱、西葫芦和辣椒。
5. Master Chef Jiang and his team will showcase mouthwatering delicacies with exquisite materials and Chinese culinary skills, ensure to satisfy your taste buds and enjoy a fantastic dining experience. 如今,江南春中餐厅精挑细选矜贵食材,用心搭配,精心烹制,倾心演绎燕翅鲍健康养生之精髓,让您挑剔的味蕾享受这“贵人一等”的冲击,领略极致味觉享受及高雅美食新体验。