1. Xinlong wood work factory was found in1988. manufacture wooden music stand and music case . 兴隆木制品加工厂成立于1988年,是专业生产销售高档木制乐谱架及乐器盒类的私营企业。
2. Even if that were the case, noisy projectors were separated from the main house pretty quickly, yet music continued to accompany film. 即使是这样,充满噪声的放映机很快就退出了主流,而音乐继续为电影伴奏。
3. Music, game play, big pictures, hot financial backing - this one's an app to watch, and listen-to as the case may be. 音乐,游戏,大幅照片,活跃的资金支持——这款网络应用看起来和听起来都是一个不错的案例。
4. In that case, nobody else at home can play any music until you return. 在这种情况下,在你回来之前,其他呆在家里的人就没办法播放什么音乐了。
5. In the case of two frog species living at Bristol Zoo Gardens in England it takes creating a very special environment, and not just one that plays romantic music. 在英格兰布里斯托动物园生活着两种蛙类,这所动物园并不是仅仅播放浪漫的音乐,而是为动物创造了一个非常特殊的环境。