1. The African National Congress today dropped its doctrine of nationalizing industry in favour of a mixed economy. 非洲国民大会今天放弃了工业国有化的信条转而赞同公私并存的混合型经济。
2. Nationalizing banks is not without precedent. 银行国有化并非无先例可循。
3. Question: What do you think about nationalizing the Banks? 问:你怎么看待银行国有化?
4. This paper introduced briefly new grinding devices abroad in order to provide a basis for employing and nationalizing the corresponding devices and technology. 本文简要介绍了近年国外新型研磨设备和粉碎设备。为消化吸收引进设备和实现设备技术国产化提供依据。
5. Ron Paul: Yes, I know there are some shortcomings, but overall, I think it’s a benefit because she might slow up on nationalizing healthcare and further nationalizing education. 罗恩·保罗:是的,我知道现在关注的目标是有缺陷,不过总体说来,我觉得这还是有益的,因为这能拖慢她把医保国有化和更一步把教育国有化的步伐。