1. He asked his kinsmen, and nobles, and friends, and neighbours. 他询问了他的亲戚、贵族、朋友和邻居们。
2. The Boyars' counsel, that is the counsel of the nobles, literally met in the palace. 波雅尔议会,也就是贵族们的议会,实际上在王宫举行。
3. These officials, nobles get these kinds of officials, and really, they could rake it in, get these titles and they are representing the king. 这些官员、贵族们可以获得这些肥差,从而大发横财,他们被授勋以爵位并且代表着君王的意志。
4. Moreover, Italian sailors were deserting and emigrating, and captains, no longer recruited from the ranks of nobles, were weak on navigations. 此外,意大利的水手都在逃离和向外移民,船长也不再是从贵族阶层中招募,在航海方面也很弱。
5. This period was one of inter-elite rivalry, in which nobles sought to increase their influence by funding the construction of churches and other buildings. 这一时期是精英间的竞争,其中贵族们资助建造教堂和其他建筑来试图增加自己的影响力。