1. The sultan was still nominally the chief of staff. 苏丹在名义上仍是军队领导人。
2. The road is nominally under the control of UN peacekeeping troops. 那条路名义上是在联合国维和部队的控制之下。
3. He was nominally in charge of the company. 他名义上管理着这家公司。
4. Under the system, the U.S. Africa Command, nominally in charge of the Libya strikes, was given three sets of words that it could begin the operation with. 在此系统之下,美国负责非洲事务的司令官,也是名义上负责此次对利比亚开展打击行动的指挥官,给了系统三套后备单词用于命名。
5. In 1945 China emerged from the war nominally a great military power but was actually a nation economically prostrated and on the verge of all-out civil war. 1945年,中国名义上是一个军事大国,但实际上不过是一个不但经济濒临崩溃还处于全面内战爆发边缘的国家。