1. In order to try a case there must be at least two lay (non-lawyer) magistrates, or a stipendiary magistrate. 要审理一个案件必须至少有两名非法律专业治安法官,或者一名领薪治安法官方可进行。
2. I want to give you two examples of how thinking like a lawyer is different from the way most non-lawyers think. 我想给你们举两个例子,让你们看看律师的思考到底和大部分非律师的普通人思考又什么不同。
3. His preferred system in the Middle East is to employ at least one existing in house ex-pat lawyer , supported by a team of junior lawyers or non-lawyer local recruits. 他倾向这个体制,即在中东雇佣至少一名外籍企业法律顾问律师,并由初级律师或非律师地方人员组成的团队对其进行支持。
4. The Kraal, in a quiet suburb of Johannesburg, was home to Gandhi for three years when he was a young lawyer formulating his philosophy of non-violent resistance. 克拉尔是约翰内斯堡宁静的郊区,这里便是甘地生活了三年的地方。那时,他还是一名年轻的律师,非暴力的哲学思想正在他的脑海中酝酿。
5. Another five states are considering similar measures, said Lee, 35, a former lawyer who quit to run the non-profit group. 另五个州也正在考虑相似的办法。Lee, 35岁,之前是律师,现辞职转而从事非营利性社团活动。