1. She is filled with nostalgia for her own college days. 她对自己的大学时代充满了怀念之情。
2. The images provoked strong surges of nostalgia for the days of yore. 这些影像勾起了对昔日时光的深深怀念。
3. He might be influenced by nostalgia for the surroundings of his happy youth. 他也许被他对快乐青年时代的环境的怀念影响了。
4. There is an unmistakable note of nostalgia in his voice when he looks back on the early years of the family business. 在他回忆早年的家族企业时,他的声音里带有一种确定无疑的怀旧语气。
5. No wonder that people who stroll around exhibitions are filled with nostalgia; the evidence in museums indicates that life was so much better in the past. 难怪逛展览的人都充满了怀旧之情;博物馆里的这些证据表明过去的生活要好得多。