1. Anyhow there'll be no rent to pay and no novelettes to write. 总之,不用再付房租,也不用再写小说了。
2. Police and Hymn and The Necklace are two famous novelettes written respectively by O. 《警察和赞美诗》与《项链》分别是美国作家欧·亨利和法国作家莫泊桑的著名短篇小说。
3. Novelettes and short stories have embodied Tie Nin's achievements of creation in the past thirty years, especially since 1990. 中短篇小说是铁凝三十年创作成就的集中体现。
4. The production of short easy-read novelettes, he says, has been encouraged by discredited literary prizes, whose juries seldom rotate. 简短易读的中篇小说的生产,他说,受到品位低劣的文学奖项鼓励,而这些奖项的评委很少更换。
5. There is only voices expressionlessly reciting the fragmentary sentences taken from bodies of laws, novelettes, modernistic literature and newspaper notices. 只有面无表情的声音,吟诵的是从法律、小说、现代文学作品和报纸公告中选取的只言片语。