1. At the same time the church was cracking down on lax discipline, in nunneries as much as anywhere. 同时,教会纪律松散,女修道院和其他各个地方都在整顿纪律。
2. Most of the monasteries and nunneries in England were supposed to follow strict rules, laid down by Saint Benedict 900 years earlier. 对寺院和英国斋堂大部分应该遵循严格的规则,规定了由圣本笃900年前。
3. This paper has analysis and research the resident property income and expenditure, social function and the Buddhist nuns'economic situation of Dunhuang Buddhist nunneries. 本文对吐蕃归义军时期敦煌尼寺常住财产的收入与支出、 尼寺的社会功能以及比丘尼的经济状况进行了分析与研究。