1. Parents want to know the best way to nurture and raise their child to adulthood. 父母们想了解把他们的孩子养育成人的最好方法。
2. Like the old song says, there's no place like home, not because of the real estate, but because of the sense of shelter and nurture that it provides. 就像古老的歌中所唱,没有地方会像家一样,不是因为它实际的地产价值,而是因为它所提供的庇护和养育的感觉。
3. Unique to mammals, the limbic cortex impels creatures to nurture their offspring by delivering feelings of tenderness and warmth to the parent when children are nearby. 当哺乳动物的孩子们在附近时,独有的边缘皮层向家长传递温柔和温暖的感觉,促使哺乳动物去养育后代。
4. It's important to nurture a good working relationship. 维持良好的工作关系非常重要。
5. The human organism learns partly by nature, partly by nurture. 人的学习能力部分是先天的,部分是后天培育的。