1. He shook his head in bewilderment at the obduracy of this man. 这男人顽固不化,令他困惑不解、连连摇头。
2. For some, including Russia and China thus far, the only answer to Iran's obduracy is more talks. 迄今为止,包括俄罗斯和中国在内的一些国家希望用更多的谈判回应伊朗的顽固态度。
3. Yet Mr Scargill-whose obduracy and militancy led his miners to crushing defeat-also haunts Mexborough. 斯卡吉尔先生的顽固不化和好战导致他的矿工们一败涂地,他也令梅克斯·伯勒不快。
4. This grand period in your history involves taking a huge leap that has been much delayed by the obduracy of the dark cabal. 在你们历史的重要时期包含着巨大的跳跃之力,却被黑暗势力顽固的延迟了。