1. But today, a disruption to family fortunes can no longer be made up with extra income from an otherwise-stay-at-home partner. 但如今,家庭财富的损失再也无法用家庭主夫或主妇的额外收入来弥补了。
2. And fathers as a whole - stay-at-home dads or otherwise - spend almost as much time with their children as mothers do. 而父亲这个群体—无论是否家庭主父—与孩子相处的时间跟母亲这个群体一样。
3. If you intend on giving up your career to become a stay at home mom after marriage, the terms of your agreement can provide a financial safety net that you might not otherwise have. 如果你打算在结婚后放弃工作而待在家里,协议的条款可以提供给你以其他方式所无法获得的财务保障。