1. Although my grandmother at ordinary times very overelaborate, very big doctor! 虽然我奶奶平时很罗唆,非常大的医生!
2. Seeking medical advice by card can overcome the problems of overelaborate procedures and low - level management. 实行持卡就医,以有效克服手续繁琐和管理手段低下的现象。
3. True, they employ not one but two defensive midfielders but they still have room for the creativity of Kaká and Robinho's pointlessly overelaborate jinking. 的确,他们使用了两名而非一名防守型中场,但卡卡和罗比尼奥那精巧至极、漫无目的的躲闪腾挪仍有发挥的余地。
4. Software developers have neutralized the astounding performance of modern computer hardware by adding layer upon layer of overelaborate [software] abstractions. 现代计算机硬件速度的惊人增长已经被开发人员一层接着一层的过度(overelaborate)抽象所中和。
5. The traditional design method of the crescent rib on the screw-thread steel finished product passes is very overelaborate and the results obtained based on it have some errors. 螺纹钢成品孔月牙肋的传统设计法不仅繁琐,并且据此而得出的结果有误差。