1. Demonstrators turned on police, overturning vehicles and setting fire to them. 示威者们突然袭击了警察,掀翻车辆并将其放火焚烧。
2. Hundreds of youths rampaged through the town, smashing shop windows and overturning cars. 数百名年轻人在镇上横冲直撞,捣毁商店的橱窗,掀翻汽车。
3. She was cloned from a single cell of an adult female sheep, overturning long-held scientific dogma that had declared such a thing biologically impossible. 她是从一只成年母羊的单个细胞中克隆出来的,这推翻了长期以来一直坚持的科学教条,该教条宣称这样的事情在生物学上是不可能(发生)的。
4. He stood up quickly, overturning his chair. 他猛然站起来,弄翻了椅子。
5. This overturning of convention, this assailing of standard graphic and typographic formats, was part of a search for intellectual freedom. 这种对传统的颠覆,这种对标准图形和排版格式的攻击,是对知识自由追求的一部分。