1. This was an historical pageant, representing the King's immediate progenitors. 这是一次历史性的盛会,代表国王的直系祖先。
2. He followed the pageant through all its devious windings about London, and all the way to Westminster and the Abbey. 他跟着游行队伍,穿过伦敦所有迂回曲折的弯路,一直走到威斯敏士特宫和大教堂。
3. The pageant promises to be a curious mixture of the ancient and modern. 这次旅行可望是一次古典与现代风格的不寻常的组合。
4. The pageant broke up and grouped itself picturesquely, and remained bareheaded. 御驾的行列分开了,他们美观地排列成几组,仍然不戴帽子。
5. At this instant, the shining pageant appears, and files in at the door, with a measured march. 就在这个时候,光彩夺目的队伍出现了,迈着整齐的步伐从门口鱼贯而入。