1. Negative hands and dots tend to be one of the most frequent pairings, especially during a warm climate period known as the Gravettian. 凹下的手掌形和小圆点是最频繁出现的成对图形之一,尤其在温暖气候的葛拉夫特时期。
2. There are many talent pairings. 有许多才能互补型的合作。
3. Many of us do not agree with the initial pairings. 我们很多人都不同意初始化配对。
4. A new multi-proxy signature from bilinear pairings. 一种新的多重代理签名方案。
5. But among random pairings in the dormitory, there was no decrease. 但是在那些随意配对的宿舍里,没有发现差异的减少。