1. It has two panes, with the properties view playing an important role in the lower pane. 它有两个窗格,其中下面的窗格具有属性视图并起着重要的作用。
2. The windows were small, glazed with little diamond-shaped panes, and they opened outward, on hinges, like doors. 窗户很小,镶着菱形的玻璃,而且像门一样,是通过铰链向外打开的。
3. Multicolored tape enshrouds the Cupola's seven window panes in a cleanroom at Alenia Spazio in Turin, Italy, before launch. 在发射之前,五彩缤纷的胶带将冲天炉的七个窗玻璃包裹在意大利都灵阿莱尼亚航天的洁净室中。
4. All child panes begin with AL1. 所有子窗格都以al1开头。
5. The test application has three panes. 测试应用程序有三个窗格。