1. Well, parenthetically, I was trying to quit smoking at the time. 嗯,插一句,我那时正尝试戒烟。
2. The list appears parenthetically next to the class name. 这个列表出现在类名的旁边。
3. This is why he tells us parenthetically that marriage must not be called a defilement. 这就是为什么他顺便地告诉我们,婚姻不能被称为肮脏。
4. And as California goes today, so goes the nation tomorrow and, parenthetically, so may go the rest of the world ten to twenty years hence. 今天加州如此,明天全美国也会如此,顺带说一下,一二十年后世界其他地方也都会如此。
5. In the next section (and in future articles), after each name, I'll parenthetically note whether the practice is new, is unchanged, or maps to an original name. 在下一节(以及以后的文章)中,在每个名称后,我将附加说明该实践是新的、未更改的还是到最初名称的映射。