1. The passenger terminal complex, including passenger terminal, ATC building, parking lot and airport hotel, will be the core area for passengers' stay in the airport. 新机场航站区是旅客活动的核心区域,包括旅客航站楼、航管塔台及综合大楼、停车场(楼)及机场酒店等。
2. BEING able to park directly outside the swooping modern building that serves as the passenger terminal at Farnborough Airport is the first sign that this journey is going to be different. 仅仅能够在范堡罗机场颇具现代风格的候机楼外直接泊车就说明即将到来的这趟旅程不简单。
3. Contracts for the second (or northern) runway and for the main building contract for the extension to the passenger terminal north-west concourse were awarded in April and September respectively. 第二条(北面)跑道合约和客运大楼西北客运廊扩展部分的主要建造合约,已分别于四月和九月批出。
4. I encountered kids who are stationed in every terminal, they have these empty envelopes and gives it to every passenger on board while the others perform ethnic dances. 我曾遇见过一些孩子,他们停留在每个交通终点站,当其中一些孩子跳起民族舞时,另一些会将一些空信封分发到每个旅客手中。
5. In the end, the essay makes an evaluation on the plan of site selection of station for introducing Beijing-Guangzhou passenger dedicated line into Hengyang railway terminal. 最后,利用该方法对京广客运专线引入衡阳枢纽的车站选址方案进行了评价。