1. So pretty soon there were these two peevish boys sitting in her white 1959 Oldsmobile on their way to Detroit Public Library. 所以没过多久,在去底特律公共图书馆的路上,就有两个脾气暴躁的男孩坐在她那辆1959年产的白色奥兹莫比尔汽车上。
2. Aubrey had slept little and that always made him peevish. 奥布里睡眠不足,这让他总是易怒。
3. She glared down at me with a peevish expression on her face. 她低头瞪着我,一脸怒气。
4. I have a peevish brother. 我有一个脾气暴躁的弟弟。
5. She was peevish when she said that. 她说那个的时候是在撒娇。