1. It would be perverse to stop this healthy trend. 阻止这一健康的趋势是有悖常理的。
2. She finds a perverse pleasure in upsetting her parents. 她让父母担惊受怕,从中取得任性的快乐。
3. He seemed to take a perverse pleasure in being disagreeable. 他似乎在招人厌恶中得到一种反常的乐趣。
4. Do you really mean that or are you just being deliberately perverse ? 你是真要那样,还是故意作对?
5. Set against the compulsory mobility and clogged roads of "the great car economy", the Allegro age now has a certain perverse appeal. 与“伟大的汽车经济”中强制的流动性和拥堵的道路相比,阿莱格罗时代如今有了某种反常的吸引力。