1. In an age of modern medical miracles, it seems impossible that mankind has yet to rid itself of these pestilences. 在现今医疗技术近乎奇迹的时代,人类却尚未摆脱这些传染病,这似乎是件不可能的事。
2. Many pestilences broke out during that period and demonstrated some characteristics in the aspects of time and space distribution. 空间分布上呈现出南方比北方多,东部比西部多的特征。
3. But we have not seen the earthquakes and famines and pestilences (incurable disease) occur at the same time in diverse places, like they are happening around us right now. 但是我们不曾看见过地震、饥荒、瘟疫(即绝症)在同一时间的不同地区发生,如同我们现今的时代中在我们周围所发生的。