1. The idea for the experiment came from observing the birds using tools to pick at random objects, such as a picture of a spider that was printed on some cloth. 这个实验的想法来自于观察鸟类使用工具随机挑选物体,比如在一些布上印有蜘蛛的图片。
2. There is no need to pick at him all day long. He's a child after all. 不要老是对他唠唠叨叨, 他毕竟还是个孩子嘛!
3. Do NOT pop, squeeze or pick at acne. 不要挤压、挑破青春痘。
4. You must pick at least one field to be a data field. 必须选取至少一个字段作为数据字段。
5. Fish pick at the urchins, which feed on bits of algae. 鱼类吃海胆,海胆以小块的藻类为食。