1. Turnips are usually eaten boiled, steamed, roasted, fried, pickled, or even raw. 萝卜通常可水煮、蒸、烤、油炸、腌着吃,或者甚至生吃。
2. The glass-and-steel tower will be built next door to the Gherkin landmark—a pickled cuke-like structure built in 2004. 这座由玻璃和钢铁建成的高塔将建在腌黄瓜地标旁边——一座建于2004年的腌黄瓜状建筑。
3. The local hotdog stand is a fixture on city squares throughout the old center, serving a variety of hotdogs and pickled side dishes. 当地的热狗摊是老城区中心广场上的固定摊位,供应各种热狗和腌配菜。
4. Don't put pickled ginger on your sushi. 不要把泡菜生姜和寿司一起吃。
5. I believe love is like pickled pig feet. 我相信爱就像卤猪脚一样。