1. The world's first pay-by-picture restaurant, called The Picture House, just opened to the public in London before heading to Manchester and Leeds next month. 这家名为“照相屋”的流动餐厅近日在伦敦开门营业,下月将会移师曼彻斯特及利兹。这是世界上首家能够用照片买单的餐厅。 。
2. The picture shows a side view of the house. 这张图是房子的侧面。
3. I can still picture the house I grew up in. 我还能回忆起我童年时住的那座房子。
4. I have the picture of your house right here. 我就在这让你画了你房子的图。
5. So the participants were presented with an image of a face in one eye, and a picture of a house in the other. 然后在这些参与者的一个眼睛前展现出一张人头像的图片,在另一只眼睛中展示一个房子或者其他物品的图片。