1. He watched the juvenile flock in their clean frocks and pinafores. 他看着那一群小学生,穿着干干净净的连衣裙和围襟。
2. There were visitors. Isabel and Lottie, who liked visitors, went upstairs to change their pinafores. 她们家来了客人,伊莎贝尔和洛蒂都是喜欢凑热闹的人,她们纷纷上楼去换掉她们的学生裙忙着见客去了。
3. "He looks just like an angel," said the charity children as they came out of the cathedral in their bright scarlet cloaks, and their clean white pinafores. “他看上去简直就是一个天使。”一群孤儿院的孩子说,他们身穿鲜亮的大红斗篷,系着洁白的围嘴,正从大教堂往外走。
4. Posing in their pinafores, Mr Kuzmin and his fellow candidates published a leaflet of their favourite recipes as part of their campaign for the regional elections on March 11th. 3月11日,作为地方竞选活动内容之一,库兹民及其竞选伙伴系着围裙四处搔首弄姿,还散发了印有他们钟爱菜谱的传单。