1. I was disturbed by he pitter-patter of rain on the roof. 屋顶上淅淅沥沥的雨声扰乱了我的思绪。
2. Imagine this, I woke up this morning to the sound of the soft pitter-patter of snowfall. 试想象一下,我今天早上被轻轻的下雪声唤醒。
3. I felt quite agreeable nothing more than sitting alone and blankly listening to pitter-patter outside. 只是一个人听着雨呆呆地坐在那儿,就觉得很惬意。
4. Lulled to sleep by the pitter-patter of rain, perhaps they now dreamed of the month of dances and parties ahead. 噼里啪啦的雨声让人沉沉入睡,也许现在他们正梦见未来整个一个月的跳舞和聚会。
5. Natalie Haynes, 35, has been with her partner for four years and has never dreamed of the pitter-patter of little feet. 35岁的纳塔利·海恩斯和丈夫生活在一起4年了,并且从来没想过要孩子。